Sunday, May 22, 2011

One of Ms Wendy's Fav. Preschool Times

I love hearing the girls say the Pledge of Allegiance every Circle Time. Whether they remember the "right" hand or not, they have learned reverence and respect for our great country throughout the year. I am so proud of them!

Butterflies & Larvae!

Our Butterfly week started with an exciting look at a real butterfly larvae (aka caterpillar) that Ella and Kyla found in Ella's backyard. So cool! The girls loved it! He spent all of preschool on the table (in a container) and the talk constantly turned to him. The girls enjoyed acting out the butterfly life cycle and playing ElaFun too!

Alyssa's B-day Celebration!

We were so happy to celebrate Alyssa's summer birthday in May! She brought cotton candy for everyone! Yummo! Shanaine shared some special pictures of Alyssa and we all learned more about her wonderful adoption story. Alyssa also shared a pretty snowglobe with us. Happy Birthday, Alyssa! 

Ant Farm!

Out Insect Theme for May was kicked off with a week all about ants! We continually observed a rainbow-colored ant farm, learned a lot about team work, played Ants in the Pants, and practiced our cutting and gluing skills as we made our very own ant picnic! The insect theme definitely helped the girls develop a new interest in insects (much needed for most of them!).  

Mother's Day Tea Party

What a special time we had with our sweet daughters! They were super excited! We were served to, sung to, and dined on a fancy mommy placemat-complete with our very own decorated tulip vase! Trisha and I had a great time exchanging and using our mommy-daughter coupons. I heard some fun stories from the girls who had used their coupons later on too! These girls have the most fantastic mothers!!! I am sincerely grateful for their friendship and example.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Katie's Preschool Birthday Celebration!

We are so glad we got to celebrate Katie's summer birthday! She brought in yummy cupcakes, Jamie read a story, and  Katie shared her beautiful new bunny for Show and Tell! Thanks for making a preschool appearance, Pumpkin! The kids really liked it! (Now for that Baby Adamson #5 appearance...)

April: Earth Day & Trees

To celebrate Earth Day, we made pinecone bird feeders. Isaac & Trish had fun pretending to be birds when we hung ours up! The spring hand trees turned out so cute too!

April: Easter Egg Wreaths

Each girl had her own special way of using different colors of paint and ring stamps to make their wreath. Ella was all about swirling the blue paint! "My mom is going to LOVE this!"

April: Seeds, Plants & Gardens

We sang with our cute seedling finger puppets, played Where's the Trowel (a most favorite number guessing game!), made our names out of seeds, and planted our very own sunflowers!

March: Saltwater Eggs

Watching a man float in the Dead Sea (thank you YouTube-we played it over and over) and conducting this experiment about saltwater was pretty egg-citing! :)

March: Dancing Raisins Experiment

This may have been the most favorite experiment of the month! The girls learned about carbonation and loved to watch the raisins dance before their eyes!

March: St. Patrick's Day Fun!

What fun we had! The girls wrote and illustrated their own story, The Leprechaun's Walk, participated in a cool penny experiment (to represent a pot o'gold at the end of a rainbow), and made rainbow necklaces.  They seemed to really enjoy the St. Patty's green water take-home experiment as I heard about it many times during the following week! (We missed you, Kyla!)

March:Peyton's Sharing Day

Peyton chose to share a special crown with us on her B-day Sharing Day!