Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Field Trip to the Wow Museum!

All aboard the Wow Museum!
I was a little picture happy at the Wow Museum! It was such a fantastic place! (We missed Kyla and Ella.) There were hardley any other kids there, so our kids got to explore everything whenever they wished!
The March Science Area was great! In these pics, the kids got to see how large a T-Rex's mouth and a dino foot were. Yikes!
They sorted big and little objects.

This was the coolest! The girls got to see everyday objects up close through a hand-held microscope that was hooked up to a computer! I want one of these!
Alyssa grinded flour in the cooking area!

Wind tunnel! Trish is looking up at the flying scarf near the ceiling!
Art area!

Cool lizard dude!

Microscope exploration!

Music area!

Shadow room! Alyssa's shirt is perfect for the glasses, don't you think?!

 Human bubble! Alyssa and Trish were so nervous that their bubble was going to break on them!
There were so many creative play areas! This was a banking area.
The boys, of course, loved the train table! Michael's tongue says it all!

Science: Invisible Ink

Have you ever wanted to draw a picture that only you knew what it was because it disappeared? We did just that! We painted in lemon juice, let it dry, and finally watched as our pictures magically appeared after a trip to the oven. This experiment taught us about evaporation. As the lemon juice was heated, water evaporated away. The compounds that remained combined with oxygen and turned the juice brown.  (Katie chose to paint a Christmas tree!)

Peyton's Birthday Celebration!

Yeah! Peyton turned 5! She was SO excited to see the calendar change to March at the beginning of the month and she would happily remind all of us that it was her birthday month at every Circle Time! Carli brought in yummy, creative cookies shaped like 5's and P's, read us Pinkalicious (to accompany Peyton's Pinkalicious friend party), and shared some cutie-patootie baby pictures of Peyton. Happy Birthday, Peyton!

Science: Flowing Currents

The girls were absolutely amazed during this experiment to watch their hot water (colored water) rise above cold water and flow into the pitcher. The movement in the experiment is also called a convection current, but we mostly concentrated on the idea that heat rises. :)

Science: Electric Charges

Our  Science Theme for March started with an experiment that taught us all about static electricity and positive/negative charges. The girls were all giggles as they rubbed balloons on one another's heads (and their own). We also picked up paper dots and of course, ended with play time with our balloons.